


Our Backyard

When the sun rises over the trees within the wetlands of the Minnesota River Vally, light glistens through floor to ceiling windows, upon plants and earthy decor, against a glass vaulted solarium, within our scenic condo.

Besides adding light to a room already filled with memories from travels throughout the world, the sun invites us to gaze back to see foul and animals among the trees and around the waters beyond.

Our city of Bloomington sits respectfully along the northern shores of the Minnesota River, and just south of the largest city that Minnesota has to offer. Within the sunrise edge of this community, hidden behind structures of various commercial persuasion, is a complex which we refer to as "5 Appletree Square".

Unobstructed by city construction, our home is a condo unit within a building that looks more like an office structure than a home to 45 residents. But, housed within, are condo units, nestled nicely upon the slopes overlooking the Minnesota Valley, each commanding a view over the beautiful Wet Lands along the Minnesota River.

Foster Care, CAFE (Computer Access For Everyone), Youth Exchange, Friendship Force, and more



Reunions, Holidays, Special Events.
52 Countries and counting