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There are a number of “things” that must occur to enable the Café to provide computers to schools and medical facilities in developing nations. First – there must be a supply of computers, late model computers that will actually be useful to those receiving them. Then the computers must be “set up”. That is – an operating system (currently Windows/2000) must be installed and some useful programs installed as well. Next – there must be a reasonable and affordable way of getting the computers to their destination. And – finally – there must be those persons available to help distribute and properly install the PC’s at various schools and medical facilities that were due to receive them.

To date, the major providers of these late model computers have been:
Mayo Clinic of Rochester Minnesota.
United Way of Rochester Minnesota.
Human Services of Faribault and Martin counties in Fairmont Minnesota.
A number of PC’s have also come from individuals and small companies

To date – by far – the most gracious provider of overseas shipping services has been Global Health Ministries of Minnesota. GHM has shipped 100 computers, monitors and peripheral equipment to Tanzania and helped make possible another 50 computer shipment to Madagascar through SOA (Salfa Overseas Assistance). GHM will be shipping 100 computers to Papua New Guinea in 2006.

Others include:
Scott & Nielsen Law office (to Eluthera)

And – the most gracious provider of shipping services to and from the Café warehouse, donators and shipping agents has been Rosen’s Diversified in Fairmont Minnesota. Rosen’s has picked up pallets of computers from Mayo and United Way and delivered them to the Cafe warehouse in Fairmont. They have also transported completed computers to Global Health Ministries and SOA for overseas shipment.

To date, Café team members traveling to countries receiving computers and providing technical and teaching services have been:

Douglas Hall

Director of the Café

Fairmont MN

Aaron Yaeger

Computer Technician

Vancouver BC

Natalie Yaeger

Computer Teacher

Vancouver BC

Dr. Neil Nickerson

Café coordinator

Fairmont MN

Dr. Andy Ruth

Café team member

Fairmont MN

Matt Nielsen

Café coordinator

Fairmont MN

Jennifer Nielsen

Computer Teacher

Fairmont MN

Ramona Hall

Surgical Nurse, teacher

Fairmont MN

Paul Pomerleau

Computer Technician

Chicago IL

Scott Lien

Global Health Ministries

Minneapolis MN

Connie Milner

King's Daughters Hospital

Madisson IN

And – to help spread the tale of the Café’s mission, we must also thank “the Ad-Pros” of Fairmont MN who have provided brochures and presentation materials to the Café.

And - The Cafe would not have existed had it not been for the efforts of the Rotary Club of Fairmont Minnesota.

Our heartfelt thanks to all of those who have contributed to the Café’s effort to help give opportunity to our developing countries.

Copyright © 2004 Douglas E. Hall
This page was last updated on January 1, 2007