Rotary Cafe

Arusha Tanzania 2007

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Back to Arusha. The first project CAFÉ completed was Arusha Tanzania in 2001. At that time we sent 50 PC’s to the Mwangaza Center to furnish some of the schools in their system with the ability to teach computer sciences.

Since then the need had grown and CAFÉ  was prepared to send 100 more PC’s to this area in 2007. As well as providing more PC’s to the classroom, CAFÉ was able to furnish late model Pentium III PC’s, a nice jump from the original Pentiums sent in 2001.

This time, however, CAFÉ has sent Pentium 3 & 4 PC’s to the Salien Hospital System in Arusha as well. Here systems will be used to assist in keeping patient records as well as inventory needs.

CAFÉ provided 50 PC's to schools in the Arusha area in 2001. For more information about that project click HERE.

CAFÉ again visited Tanzania in 2005. This time supplying PC's to schools near Dodoma. For more information about that project click HERE.

Copyright © 2007 Douglas E. Hall
This page was last updated on April 3, 2007