Why we do what we do In 1999, I, then a Rotarian from the Fairmont Rotary Club in Fairmont Minnesota, read an article about Rotary Clubs (and other organizations) who had collected and shipped computers to developing countries with the intent that they would learn to use this technology in their schools. The computers sent were: IBM PC’s, Apple computers, Atari’s and a variety of other microprocessors. Some worked – some did not. One PC was not necessarily like another. The enthusiastic recipients attempted to connect monitors, keyboards and mice to the various processors and see what they might do with them. If they did get some entire computer to work they, again, had to go through the same process to get the next computer working. As you can imagine, the recipients got frustrated and the well-intentioned gifts just sat or got discarded. The CAFÉ changed all that.
Late model PC's
Utilizing valuable space
Copyright © 2007 Douglas E. Hall
This page was last updated on January 22, 2007