Our Motercoach Tours



Until recent years, I would not have considered taking a tour by Motorcoach. A bunch of old people crammed into a bus, needing to stop every hour so someone can go to the bathroom. Mediocre food and questionable hotels.
I had always planned my trips (part of the fun). Determine my own schedule, eat at places I find interesting, stay at hotels to my liking and see things I want to see.

Then - Ramona & I we’re invited to take a journey family members to the City of New Orleans. Hmm. Never been there. Always intended to. I can endure it.

What a surprising experience. The itinerary was thoughtful, four star hotels, a variety of restaurants that I might not have chosen but glad I experienced. There were a lot of old people, but there were some younger people as well. And - I was reminded that I, now am, part of that old - (more mature?) - group.

I still will not give up the road trip, planned by Ramona & me, but I will no longer shy away from a wonderful Motorcoach journey either.



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