There is more rain in the rain forests of Costa Rica than in any other
place in the world. And yet, it chose not to rain the day we walked
the moss laden paths in the place which is home to birds, animals,
insects and plants we had never heard of before. Poisonous
frogs that looked as if they had been colored with bright red gloss
paint and sloths unassumingly hanging upside down from tree
branches, to ants many times the size of the black ants I am
accustomed to; and trees that, if they don't like where they are,
move to another location. Known as the walking palms, these trees
send out roots looking for sun. The result causes the tree to
move as much as five feet per year.
It's very quiet in the rain forest but not because of any lack of life. As we walk, the animals around us become silent. But, in the distance, we hear the sounds of birds, of animals moving amongst the foliage and insects creating thier own unique sounds.
Only recently have we become aware of how important
the rain forest is to our very survival. Once thought a soggy waste of
land, the tropical rain forest provides us with many
of the foods and products we use today. Cosmetics. rubber,
polishes, nuts and coffee; to name but a few.
The tropical rain forest houses many life forms that we have not as yet studied. It is estimated that we, as yet, know nothing about five out every six species living in these forests. What is frightening is that, "progress", "greed" and other human activities are causing up to 1,000 of these species to become extinct each year.
Entering Costa Rica, I knew very little of its land, its people and its culture. Our guide, a well informed, good humured, young lady, not only educated us about the rain forest, but of Costa Rica as well. We learned that many Americans choose to retire there, not only because of their ideal weather, but also because of their environmental controls, the cleaniness of water supplies, and the national health care system. The general quality of life is among the best in the world. She made a point of stating that the average life span in Costa Rica was better than that of the U.S.
We spent only one short day in this beautiful country. I wish it had been longer. Certainly, we hope to return some day and experience more of what draws people to go and stay in Costa Rica.