Czech Republic

Journey's with Jeff


Journeys with Jeff



Czech Republic


Upon our arrival we stopped at our hotel to leave off luggage but, because we were too early to check in, we did not check in yet. Then we set off for an Old Town tour to see the old St George Church – the oldest church in Prague ab. 920 AD. It was a massive Church where building continued in the 14th, 15th & 19th centuries as well.

Later - back to our hotel to check in. The hotel has modern amenities in an old building. It previously was a warehouse. The decor is funky and wonderful. The room is large with huge beds. I think they are double-double beds. The room also has a small balcony. Dinner was at the hotel but served at the table. Nice. We had an appetizer of thin sliced salted ham with greens. The main course was chicken breast with a whipped chic pea side. Tiramisu for dessert. We all collapsed in our rooms after dinner.

Next morning, after a good nights rest, we had a breakfast that, finally, included some decent pastries. I had three. Not a good idea but I was in withdrawal. Coffee was good as well. Then we went on a tour of old town. After having been frustrated with the deep accent of our city guide Ramona and I had an opportunity to visit her separately and found her delightful. She knows 7 languages. She directed Ramona and me to a little Bohemian cafe down an alley. It was nice to be alone for a while and experience a place that locals, not tourists visit.

Dinner was at the Crown Plaza (formerly the InterContinental). Our group was entertained by a delightful and talented group of musician and dancers. Musicians included a bass fiddler, a violinist (who sometimes played other instruments as well) and a gentleman who played the hammer dulcimer quite well. A guy and gal did some traditional dances and had us get up and dance with them. It was really a good night.
Back at the hotel, exhausted from the effort of dancing with my bum back, I took IB and slept well.

The next day we left for the airport about 10:45am to find that our flight to Amsterdam was delayed about 45 minutes. That would give us about 20 minutes to get to our next flight to Minneapolis. Upon our arrival in Amsterdam, Mona sprinted while I lumbered along as fast as I could with carry on and cane in hand. Fortunately, our flight to Minneapolis waited for us we so we boarded without much problem.

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