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The Friendship Force of South Central Minnesota (FFSCM) was disbanded in 2005.

FFSCM was a club comprised of many communities in the southern portion of Minnesota. They were part of a private, non-profit, volunteer organization active in 360 communities in 68 nations. Started in 1977, Rosalynn Carter served as honorary chair and Chip Carter was, at that time president. The International headquarters is located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Friendship Force "Ambassadors" and "Hosts" were people who enjoyed new experiences and believed that friendship could be a catalyst for improved world relations. Key qualifications were an adventurous spirit, a flexible approach to new situations, and a wish to make new friends.

Over time, however, The Friendship Force grew to such a level that maintaining smaller groups such as FFSCM was difficult. The national organization no longer supported the efforts of FFSCM to arrange exchanges and instead encouraged the group to join with others. Distance made it difficult to become active in major city groups so FFSCM just disbanded.

It is unfortunate because the FFSCM was a unique club. They were not central to any major city. Instead they promoted themselves throughout their area by having quarterly meetings, alternating between the various and diverse communities comprising its membership. A newsletter kept them apprised of upcoming events and meetings where the entire membership would select meeting locations and activities.

In an age filled with tension and misunderstanding, personal acts of friendship exert a mighty influence for peace. We hope that the former members of FFSCM might find other ways; other organizations that continue helping find alternative means to promote peace in our troubled world.

Copyright © 2001 Douglas E. Hall
This page was last updated on October 04, 2006