Rotary in Fairmont began with a conversation between Harold D. Wade and Frank Durga early in the year 1922. On March 27th of that year, a meeting of 21 selected individuals decided to make formal application for membership in the International Association of Rotary Clubs. On April 3rd, 1922, the following were elected officers: President, Harold E. Wade; Vice President, W. Lester Webb; Secretary, Robert H. MeCune; Treasurer, Seymour F. Durga; Sergeant at Arms, Morits C. Mourtisen. Directors were: John F. Haeckel, Thomas H. Curtis, and Roscoe C. Hunt.
On April 6, 1922, formal application was sent to the Secretary General in Chicago
listing all the chartered members. Tom Curtis was appointed the first song leader
and at the same meeting a bill for $30.35 was allowed to the Hotel Edgewater for
the organizational banquet. Further action at this first meeting included the
adoption of the rule that a fine of 10 cents be levied on each member for calling
any other member by a name other than their given name or nickname.
By charter date Fairmont Rotary is the club second only to Minneapolis #9, to
become chartered in what is now District #5950.