Lost city of Pompei
Cassino (St. Benadict)
A stop in Gaeta
Santa Marinella
Last Day

Hotels in Italy

'The gentle breezes of Rome sweeping over its legendary hills carry whispers of a mighty people, their battles, their power, their love of country' author unknown

Rome is a blend of yesterday, today and tomorrow... Unforgettable images and vivid sounds all beckoned us to this Eternal City and to experience the wonder that once was the Glory of Rome. It is the city of the Caesars who lavished it with architectural jewelry only to have it sieged, raided and destroyed. It is the city of endless art, of churches and museums, of fountain-splashed piazzas and powerful monuments to its golden age of empire.

Although Rome was not built in a day, we tried to see it in a day. This notable achievement required the help of a really great young lady who we engaged to lead us through important sites and, above all, to avoid the long lines required to get into those places.

Few cities can boast of having so many people knowing, at least, parts of its turbulent history as does Rome. No other city has been the focal point of the world for such a long period. Although we explored the Roman ruins but for a day, still it is to go back in time and try and imagine what it must have been like to live in these ancient times. It is awe inspiring to stand in the middle of the Roman Forum and picture yourself as Julius Caesar; ordering armies to conquer foreign lands. But – I cannot imagine enjoying the brutal games at the Coliseum.

Someone said that “one life is not enough to get to know Rome”. Well – perhaps. We got as much of it as we could in one day.

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