One gets a sense of history in Acapulco. With it's dazzling lights,
it's richness of old architecture squeezed by new, Acapulco clings
to its reputation of being the "hot spot" of Mexico. If your "thing"
is sophisticated restaurants and sensational discotheques, then
Acapulco is for you.
Our experience with hiring drivers to take us to the more "non commercial" areas of the city exposed a people who have a genuine passion for their city rarely seen. Two of our drivers could not understand why anyone would care to visit anywhere else. And, certainly, who would want to live anywhere else.
This 24 hour a day, never quit, lifestyle is not what attracts us,
however. We found it interesting to investigate the city and its
surroundings and then were compelled to find better things to do
than drink and test our ear drums.
Restaurants and shopping were not as fun as in Mazatlan and the beaches were crowded preventing any sense of peacefulness that the ocean might offer.
Our experience, non the less, was fruitful due to our "other" activities. A days trip to TAXCO became a highlight. Click on TAXCO and you will see why.
We also hired a boat and crew to take us fishing. Not a fisherman
myself, I was reluctant to participate. The experience became one of
the two highlights of the trip. The four of us caught three huge
sail fish. We were the envy of the shore gaukers having been only
one of two boats that day to catch anything at all.
Acapulco is so diverse that it does have something for everyone. Finding it amongst the congestion is the challenge.
last revised October 13, 2013