A special day in Copala

          by Douglas Hall

Copala is a delightful little town, founded in 1560, and built into the slopes of a small valley a little more than an hour from Mazatlan. Steep cobblestoned roads wind their way up and down the natural slopes of the hills that support the colonial style homes and shops.

We visited a little 16th century Church (the Church of San Jose - Iglesia de San Jose) which was built in 1565. This Barroque style Church, among the finest in the area, was built of rose quarry stone, and financed by a wealthy miner, the Marquis of Panuco. He would be pleased to know that the people of the area still worship there today. A donation box is prominently desplayed in the entry for visitors to contribute to its preservation.

Down the road a piece we came upon a building which houses a little shop containing the works of a man originally from the U.S.A. He hand made delicate little paper figures which he sold so that he could stay and live in this community he grew to love.

We concluded our short stay in Copala at the delectable "Daniel's" Mexican Restaurant. Friendly service and delictable food prepared us for our journey back to Mazatlan.


Last Revised: March 18, 1998