Joshua Park


April 2022




Having driven 1900 miles with our daughter and son-in-law to join my grandson and his fiancé and to celebrate their wedding in Fallbrook California, we chose to take a little time to visit Joshua Tree National Park on our journey back home.
Only 2 1/2 hours from their home in Valley Center, our oldest son and daughter-in-law, and the four of us, spent a couple of days trekking past the odd shaped trees and rock formations that make up the Joshua Tree Park.
The nearby motel we stayed in and the park offered us an opportunity to share time with family that live so far away.
Joshua Tree National Park is, perhaps, an 800,000 acre expanse that belongs to some other planet. A treasure to be sure, but the Joshua tree looks nothing like trees I’m used to. Oak, maple, pine, redwoods - those are trees. Then, throughout the area, are large rock and boulder formations. A desert floor with little flowering plants, seemingly happy to be in such an unworldly environment.
Two days later, our son & daughter-in- law return to their home in Valley Center CA, and the four us continue our journey back to Minnesota.
Next stop - Arches National Park in Utah.

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