






In May of 2019, Ramona and I, along our daughter Lisa and her husband, flew to San Diego to visit my Son and daughter-in-law in nearby Valley Center. From there, the six of us drove for six-plus hours to reach our destination, Sequoia National Park, where we had booked a cabin in the park at Montecito. Here we had rented the vintage Dandy’s Cabin, a three-bedroom structure across a pond where the main lodge was, and where, at the nearby Montecito lodge, we had three included meals each day.

Our first full day in the park had us driving to where the largest redwood tree in the world stands. The six of us stood side by side in front of it and you could still see plenty of its wood on either side. The “General Sherman”, as this tree is named, is over 3000 years old.

I’m not sure if I should be envious of it lasting so long or feel badly that it had to stay planted in the same place without the opportunity to experience other parts of the world. In any case, this guy goes back further than my many great grandfather, Abraham. And – as creaky as I am becoming, I am still more mobile than that massive tree.

We hiked around the area on wonderful paved walking paths, a luxury I have become appreciative of. Although we were in late Spring, there was still snow lingering about us. The landscape showed signs of the brutal winter that we were, thankfully, escaping from. I think we spent over two hours walking the trails offered us in this gorgeous and unusual area.

Now, back at our cabin, some created a blazing fire in the beautiful and massive fireplace while others prepared the traditional Martinis that have become our mark of family identity. Then, after a half mile trek to the lodge, a wine and cheese gathering (as if we needed to introduce more alcohol), following by a much needed buffet dinner, trekrf back to our nice cozy cabin. Being the old fad in the group, I retired to my bed early. In vacation terms, early is about 10:30 p.m. Being relatively close to the conversations my kids enjoy participating in, I didn’t really sleep for quite some time, but enjoyed listening to the subjects being discussed. And – glad that I was not a part of it. The intellect of my posterity exceeds my limited mental capabilies.

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