

Aug 2021




Ramona and I like to try out little small town cafes, especially for breakfast, as we drive to our ultimate destination. We stopped at Kennedy‘s Café, a little greasy spoon, for breakfast in Spooner WI. Disappointing. It definitely was greasy.
Then, on to Siren WI where we checked in to the Lodge at Crooked Lake, our accommodations intended for the next three days.
We were anxious to try out the Gandy Dancer Trail, a 93 mile old railway, now a crushed stone surface for hikers, bikers and, in the winter, snowmobilers. It has access just behind the Lodge. After a mile of treking, we realized that it was very very hot and very very humid. Only two miles that day.
Exhausted upon returning to our wonderful lodge room, we realized that a cold beer would be necessary to cool us down.
So, we went to a local pub for a draft beer. My beer was great, Ramona’s tasted like vinegar.
Disappointment #2 and it’s still only the first day.
Later we had dinner at the Poor House Restaurant in Siren. Our young front desk gal did not recommend it but a neighbor guest said it was the best place in town. We had looked online to determine the meal we would order - a half rack of bbq ribs for $13.99.
When we got there in the mid afternoon, our server said they were having a special of a full rack of ribs for $9.99.
No brainer! The food was good but not exceptional. The young lady that served us was wonderful. There were no other customers there this mid afternoon time so she spent most of her time visiting us. She obviously found us interesting. The experience was great.
Back at the lodge, I made martinis, we cut a bit of cheese, and went to the lounge room to view the scenery beyond their large windows, happy to be in cool surroundings.
Our next day we walked, a mile plus trek, to Gary’s Rude Café, for breakfast. Everyone we talked to said the corned beef hash is the best. No one told us that it is closed on Wednesdays. This was Wednesday.
Later, We walked across the highway to Siren city park to view Crooked lake just across from the lodge. Nothing spectacular.
Then a drive around the area. Nothing spectacular.
Then a martini in our room. Spectacular.
We have two days and little to do. Much too hot for all the trekking we had planned. So, we chose to cancel our third day planned stay.
The next morning, now our last day, we again walked to Gary’s Rude Cafe for that highly acclaimed corn beef hash. We sat down, we ordered hash, we were told they were out of hash that day.
Disappointment #3.
Back at the lodge, we packed up and headed home, the best part of the trip to follow.
On the journey home we stopped in St. Croix Falls to enjoy the river views. Then we stopped in Taylors Falls and found a nice old drive in that makes their own root beer. That taste brought back memories of the wonderful root beer flavor I experienced as a kid. A wonderful experience.
We chose to drive the road along the St Croix toward home but never saw the river. But - we stopped at at a roadside stand selling ambrosia corn on the cob, our favorite, and stopped in a little village that had a marvelous bakery. We bought some turnovers. They erased much of the previous disappointments mentioned above.
Finally, before reaching home, we were invited to enjoy steaks at our sons home.
Overall, despite a few disappointments, we had a very nice time.

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