

Oct 2021




Best described as an eventful journey, our Tahlequah vacation was anything but normal. As our destination was further than we were comfortable in driving in one day, we chose to stay in Fort Scott Kansas our first night.
The Azure Sky Motel is a very small, old, 12-unit facility that, when we arrived, we thought we might go elsewhere. The structure was old, the lot was cracked, the tiny lobby separated guest from host by bulletproof glass, yet, looking at a room, it was clean and functioned well. So, only one night, why not try it. Result, one of the best beds we’d ever slept on. We got up early, well rested, and left for Tahlequah.
Our 3 1/2 hour drive was, mostly, on minor highways through beautiful scenic and winding roadways. Heavy rains slowed our journey but made for lasting memories.
Upon arrival to our motel in Tahlequah, we chose to rest awhile before heading to the Tahlequah History Trail for a walk.
Fifteen minutes into our rest time, while playing a word game on my iPad, I found I could not control my hand and I could not talk. Ramona called 911, an ambulance arrived, and I spent the next 24 hours in the Tahlequah City Hospital. I had had a small stroke.
After being released from the hospital the next day, I had little time to visit the museums I had intended to explore telling the stories of the Cherokee Nation, its struggles, its journey to Oklahoma, but yet, its impressive resilience and loving peoples.
Because of my stroke experience, we chose to fly our daughter to a nearby airport so she could help Ramona drive back home.
Fortunately, Ramona spent some time in museums and took pictures and shared her experience with me.

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