
Journey's with Jeff


Journeys with Jeff





Arrived about noon. Lunch on our own but only had about an hour to find a place by foot and get back to hotel for city tour. We ate at McDonalds because we couldn't find anything else. It was okay.

Once the capital of the "Kingdom of Hungary", Bratislava is now the capital of Slovakia. The history of the city has been strongly influenced by people of different nations and religions, namely by Austrians, Czechs, Germans, Hungarians, Jews, Serbs and Slovaks.

Checking into the hotel I found it to be the best of the trip for room comfort, coffee and meals. I had the best nights rest of the trip so far. It was nice to get a good cup of coffee as well.

We started the city tour by bus (a little boring) and then a walking tour of old town. Mona & I chose to break from the group five minutes into the tour because the guide was not providing the information we cared about and so we chose to explore by ourselves. It was a good choice.

Later on we had a decent dinner of breaded pork at the hotel, then went to our room to rest before gathering for our, now, nightly wine gathering. Mona fell asleep & I didn't feel motivated to go anywhere so we skipped this nights gathering.

The next morning we ate a fine breakfast and then were off to Prague in the Czech Republic.

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