
Miami Beach 2020 2020

Prior to a trip to Cuba in January of 2020, Ramona & I, along with daughter Lisa & husban Dan, and two other couples we frequently travel with, stayed in Maimi Beach for a couple of days. We had no agenda, other than explore the area and eat great food - AND enjoy a couple of martinis.


Why would you go to Florida as a young family? To visit Disney World, of course. And Universal – and Bush Gardens – and swim in the ocean – and - - - well, you get the idea.

Disney 1976

With my children and my, then, girlfriend Mary, we loaded up the car with camping gear and some clothing, and drove the many-many miles toward the city of Orlando Florida where we would spend two days mostly waiting in lines in order to experience the famous Disney rides and events. On our way, we found campground to spend the night and enjoy the surroundings in some of the most beautiful state parks I had ever seen.

Disney 1979

I would not have wished to, once again, visit the famous Disney World theme park were not for my children’s wishes and the fact I now had a new girl friend Ramona, who later became my life long partner.
Again a journey by vehicle but this time a combination of hotel and camping experiences gave opportunities to do more during our two-week adventure. As well as visiting the great Kingdom, we visited other parts of Florida as well. We roamed around Bush Gardens, we swam in the ocean, we stayed at nice hotels with good restaurants and swimming pools.
On our return from Florida, we visited, what was to become, one our favorite U.S. destinations of all time – the mightly Cumberland River and its beautiful Cumberland Falls in Kentucky. Visit our Kentucky page for more.

Last Updated 08/15/2020