
Savannah 2004

Established in 1733, Savannah is, if not the oldest, one of the oldest cities in what is now the U.S.A. We flew there primarily to see the architecture and historic buildings. We stayed on the shores of the Savannah River in the old historic District. Here we wandered the cobblestone streets of an area older than the U.S. itself. The old town trolley not only provided transportation but its conductor gave a historical overview of sights as we passed them. A night time walk through an area that at one time was a burial ground found us imagining ghosts of those who probably disapproved of those who disturbed their resting place.

Days were spent alternating between visits to old mansions and places of wonderful southern culinary delights - with a little shopping of course. We weren't as much interested in buying anything as we were wanting to find out what some of the shops structured were originally constructed for.

Last Updated 10/4/2013