North Dakota

From time to time, during my employment as a system analyst, I worked with companies in and around Fargo and Grand Forks who needed help developing computer systems on their purchased NCR mainframe computers. S0 – I know a little about the hotels and restaurants in these areas but little else.

2022 Grand Forks

As a stopping point on a road trip back from Winnipeg Canada, we stopped in Grand Forks and stayed at the C'mon Inn for the night. Here, outside our sliding glass doors, we had a table and chairs available to us to enjoy our time looking at, what looked like, rocky land forms with steams, filled with koi fish, winding their way about the area.

To visit the Winnipeg trip narrative, click HERE

1975 Fargo

In 1975, one of my co-workers at NCR was leaving the company for an opportunity elsewhere. We had a big going away party for him. At this party, three guys and a beautiful little gal from Fargo entered. They were, the next day, going to go tubing down the Apple River in Wisconsin and took advantaging of spending the evening with us at the party. I was smitten with this little lady and, being recently divorced, I thought I might like to meet her. We left the party and went for what to be a short walk. I found she was Native American, had grown up in an area of Native Americans and was attending the University in Fargo. When we returned, her friends were gone and she was not sure if she could find where they were staying that night. I was more that pleased to have her stay at my place but, as luck would have it, we were able to find her friends.
Over the next few months I spent a few weekends driving to Fargo to visit her. The relationship was short lived, mostly because of the difference between our ages, but we both loved the time together and we stayed friends.

Last Updated 06/06/2016