Kathy's back yard


Buenos Aires




Kathy & Mona


Kathy's kids & grandkids

Amanda & her kids

Augustine & Eugenio




Tucked in a moderate but lovely neighborhood of row homes, bakeries, markets and cafes; in the Federal District of Buenos Aires, is a French façade style home squeezed against others on an avenue called Mercedes. Within this structure live my sister Kathy and, at times, one or more of her children.

During my visit in March of 2007, Kathy’s sons; Augustine and Eugenio maintained residence there while their sister Amanda and her children lived elsewhere across the city.

For two weeks a room just inside the back patio area of Kathy’s home would be the space to spend our sleeping hours. Leaving the patio doors open allowed us to hear the gentle night sounds and songs of morning birds. The not so pleasant sounds of bothersome mosquitoes would have filled our night as well were it not for the breeze from a fan across our bed at night.

The patio was just the place for morning coffee and the pastries that Kathy would purchase from one of the close by bakeries. Augustine and Eugenio prepared tempting meals from the BBQ at night.

Day time was heavily scheduled with activities that would give Ramona and I a flavor of the life that had been Kathy’s for more years than either of us wishes to admit.

Because Kathy’s sons, Augustine and Eugenio were both living in their mother’s home, Ramona and I had ample time to get reacquainted with them as adults. We had not seen them since they were children.

Amanda, their sister, came with her three children on the weekend. We also spent a day riding the river waters on a river bus with Amanda’s family.

The two weeks flew by much too quickly. More frequent visits are a must.



Copyright © 2007 Douglas E. Hall
This page was last updated on April 21, 2007