Danube River on "Viking Cruise "

A journey along the majestic Danube River, as Ramona and I set sail from Budapest to Regensburg, with beautiful stops at Vienna, Krems, and Passau.

Our adventure begins in Budapest. As we step aboard Vikings Jarl River Cruise ship, we are greeted by a warm and welcoming Viking crew.
After a two day stay in Budapest, our next port of call is Vienna, the cultural capital of Austria. Ramona and I took a stroll through some of the streets, but we immersed ourselves in the musical legacy of Mozart and Strauss, attending a mesmerizing concert at the Strauss Theater.

Continuing our journey, we arrived at the picturesque town of Krems, nestled amidst the captivating Wachau Valley. A Viking coach took us to the impressive Göttweig Abby. Constructed in the 11th century, the abbey was nearly demolished by fire in 1580. In 1718, the monastery burned down again. Here, we wander the impressive grounds and view, from high, breathtaking views of terraced vineyards below.

Next on our itinerary is the delightful city of Passau, the "City of Three Rivers." Ramona and I explore its narrow streets.

Finally, we reach the charming city of Regensburg, a UNESCO World Heritage site. We step back in time as we wander through its well-preserved streets, marveling at the Gothic architecture and ancient monuments. Here, we joined with two other couples, to have a beer at a nearby plaza bar. We three men, all elderly and struggling to traverse the cobblestone walks, self named ourselves “the three Amigos”.

As our cruise along the Danube River came to a close, Ramona and I found that, although age has slowed us a bit, we still maintain that drive to journey the world we began nearly 40 years ago.