C hr

NOTE: This is the old site that I maintained when I was in the Fairmont Rotary Club

Mondays at Noon
Fairmont Holiday Inn

Guests are always welcome to visit our meetings. These luncheons are frequestly attended by high school students and visiting Rotarians.

      President 2009-2010

      President Elect

      Past President



      Vocational Service

      Community Service

      International Service

      At Large

      At Large

      At Large

      At Large

The Fairmont Rotary Club of Minnesota has been serving Fairmont and its surrounding communities since 1922. Fairmont is a city of 11,000 on U.S. Hwy I-90 near the Southern border and half way across the state of Minnesota.

Except for national holidays, we meet every Monday noon at the Holiday Inn in Fairmont. We are an active, medium sized club of approximately 50 members. We have both male and female members who range in age from the mid-twenties to over 80.

If you are a visiting Rotarian or a prospective member we gladly welcome you to join us at our meetings.

District 5950 - RotaryCafe - Youth Exchange - STRIVE - History

This page was last updated on June 30, 2009