It is shortly after dawn and the narrow paths leading to the ocean front are nearly empty. Soon scattered groups swell into masses, and the sandy beach will become tiled with humanity; people from all walks of life, and every part of the world, all crowd down to the waters front to get their share of Spanish sun.
Mazatlan is a city of many faces. It is an old established Mexican city which grew due to its shipping and fishing industries. Still - Mazatlan is a new and exciting place. It's "Golden Zone" houses not only vacationers from all over the world, it is also the most sought after spot for Mexico's own citizens. AND - tourism has certainly become it's number one industry in recent years.
It is the only foreign destination we have visited more than once. This is not our habit but our experience was so pleasant we just had to see if it would repeat itself. It did, again and again.
The first trip
included our entire "at home" family of four and our friends
(another family of four).. We stayed at the Los Sabalos Hotel in
the center of the Golden Zone and found the rooms, the service and
the food wonderful. During the week my wife and I hired a driver
to take us to small towns - Copala and
Concordia. If you like to experience
Mexico's culture I recommend venturing off going inland to visit
the quaintness of some small towns nearby. The people are friendly
and if you hire a driver that speaks good English (assuming you may
not speak Spanish) then you will have no trouble getting around.
The food was inexpensive, plentiful and excellent where ever we dined.
The food at Los Sabalos was so marvilous that we had to force ourselves
to go elsewhere. The streets within the Golden Zone are lined with
shops and stands that have an astounding assortment of items ranging
from "junk" to "precious". Some of the hand made artwork is worth
looking at and, indeed, very worth purchasing. But I suspect that
it is the junk that sells best. Much of it is made in other countries.
Choose what ever pleases you.
Many of our activities were nearby. A must to experience was "Sr. Frogs" and a "Mexican fiesta", a true delight. Baking in the sun is not my "thing" so I spent a great deal of time walking off the beaten path, in residential areas near our hotel. Many beautiful row homes, all distinctively different from one another, clean, well kept, with gardens of many plants, some of which I don't believe I had seen before.
My wife, a nurse, wanted to visit the private hospital in a residential area nearby. We walked two miles to the very impressive building where we were graciously offered a tour of their facilities. Procedures there were as sterile as our own and the patient rooms were more pleasant than any we had ever seen. Paintings above the headboard of the beds, which shielded patient equipment such as oxygen, could easily be raised when needed. Other furnishings throughout the rooms gave those quarters a feel of home. We spoke to a couple of physicians, one educated in the U.S. and the other in France. They told us that most of their staff is educated in other counties, mostly U.S. and Canada.
Why would we go back again? The answer is - we have become to feel it might offer us a new kind of life style that we are prepared to experience. We may wish to retire there (or, at least, spend our winter months there). We wish to learn Spanish and, so, plan to participate in some Spanish learning "immersion programs offered in Mazatlan. Most programs offer a month of intensive learning at a close by school each day, while living with a Mexican family for the duration of the stay. Most meals are provided. The entire program actually is less expensive than staying at a hotel for that period. Of course, one month does not a Mexican make. We are about five years from retirement and so would possibly have the opportunity to advance to higher levels in succeeding years.
Want to visit Mazatlan? It's inexpensive but choose your hotel carefully. Although most are acceptable, there are some real disappointments. We chose the Los Sabalos each time because we had no reason to change. I'm sure there are other suitable facilities but be sure to be on the beach. It is really inconvenient and looks strange to see people walking across a busy business section of road with their swim suits and towels, not to mention the inability to escape the entourage of vendors seeking your monies. Beach side hotels usually have a roped off area where vendors can't cross unless you invite them to.