
As a close neighbor to our home in Minnesota, we’ve been to the state of Wisconsin numerous times.

Woodside Ranch, Mauston 2021

A family reunion Click Here to visit Family Reunion 2021

Telemark Point 2021

A Road Trip with Lisa & Dan Click Here to visit the trip

Siren Wisc 2021

A short Road Trip just to get away for a few days Click Here to visit the trip

Fountan City Wisc 2021

A short Road Trip just to get away for a few days Click Here to visit the trip

La Crosse Wisc 2021

An Amtrak journey to La Crosse Click Here to visit the trip

Telemark 2020

In August of 2020, Ramona & I joined our daughter, Lisa for a weeks stay at her Telemark time share, near Cable WI. Here, because the current threat of the Covid-19 crises, we mostly hung out and went on walks. On the way to Telemark, we stopped in Hayward WI to have a snack and purchase a pound of fudge at my favorite candy store I had been to a few times in previous years.

One day during our stay, we ventured out and drove for an hour to visit Copper Falls State Park, only to find the Park was only letting in their current in-State residents that had a state sticker (again, due to the Covid-19 scare). The drive was pretty but we didn’t get to see the falls.

We spent a partial day later in the week, in Hayward so the ladies could shop and I would sit on a street bench watching face masked families trying to navigate the sidewalks while social distancing.

The following day we drove through backroads to view homes & cabins hidden along the way.

Our last full day there, after a trek around the area - we vegetated. It was presidential campaign time. We tried to stay away from the subject but it kept creeping back in. All in all, we did quite well and, we are mostly in agreement.

The next morning, we packed up and left for home, taking a route that would offer us different views and different towns. Back home - we sat down and had a martini. Nothing changes.

Lake Geneva 2018

From friends we have traveled frequently with, we received an invitation to join them at a four day free stay at was, at one time, the old Playboy Club in Lake Geneva. A beautiful facility with restaurants, golf course, four pools and walking trails, we couldn’t pass it up.
Six of us climbed in our friends 7 passenger vehicle in late September and spent our days experiencing a variety of events. We attended a magic show at a very intimate little place. The young magician was frequently about three feet from us doing slight of hand things that were amazing.
We also joined the Yerkes Observatory last day of tours of its wonderful old and lovely facility. It held the largest telescope in the world when it was built in 1896. As the University of Chicago no longer cares to support this amazing site, other funding was not sufficient to keep it open.
Then, of course, we had to visit a distillery and then a winery as well. Other than that, we ate way too much great food.

Telemark 2004 & 2005 & 2017
A timeshare, once a sky resort, in upper Wisc, Telemark is still a nice place to visit, mostly because of all the things we can do “from” this spot. During our three stays there, we visited the Madeline Island off the Lake Superior shores of Bayfield, a few miles north of Telemark., and often had our breakfast at our favorite Cable Café in the nearby town by the same name.

Hastings, a nearby small city, is where we would go to experience nice pubs and restaurants as well as shop for things difficult to find elsewhere. I bought a beautiful rod iron, decorative wine cabinet which we could, but never do, lock. Here too we purchased a large yard ornament out of metals that would decoratively rust its large leaves. We visited a wine celar, a fudge shop, a wonderful bakery and many pubs that would offer great beers in an outside environment.

Lake Geneva (many times)
My cousins home, had for years, been in Lake Geneva. Although a High School teacher by trade, would, in the summer time, Captain a large boat that would give tours around the lake which had many well know peoples owning land on its shores.

Madison (many times)
Here we came a few times to visit very good friends that we met during our college days.

Wisc Dells 3 (times)
A great place to bring a young family, we sometimes camped in nearby grounds and visited the park that offers many things for families to experience.

House on the Rock 2015
We had one great journey to this area, enjoying our time together and other amenities in the area better than our experience at the house.

Enjoying an all you can eat dinner at the Valley Supper Club near Prescott or many other one day adventures, often brought us over the Wisconsin border.

Last Updated Aug 19, 2020