
This is home. My life is one long Minnesota experience. This is State that can offer more different experiences than any other state I know. Rather than rattle separately about my experiences here, I’ll just link you to some of the writings of family events we shared in varies parts of this great state.

Sept 2022 Thief River Falls

As a stopping point on a road trip to Winnipeg Canada, we stopped in Thief River Falls and stayed at the C'mon Inn for the night. We arrived early enough to spend a little time walking the downtown area. We then took some time to enjoy our Inns courtyard outside of the sliding doors of our room. The area had within, a large circular salt water aquarium with enormous colorful tropical fish. Within the courtyard were numerous cushy chairs perfect for conversation or just reading while sipping on a fine matini or glass of wine.

To visit the Winnipeg trip narrative, click HERE

March 2021 Lake Pepin

To celebrate my 79th Birthday, Ramona & I took a road trip to Lake Pepin, just a little over an hours drive from our home and a beautiful drive along the Mississippi.
We left home in late March (on my Birthday), driving, first the Hastings, a town on the Mississippi, where we stopped at the Legacy Cheese Shop, We were told that they created their own wonderful cheese but, on arrival, we found that they had stopped making cheese and, now were selling products created by others throughout Wisconsin. I was disappointed by the false advertising on their website but was pleased to purchase a fine 7 year aged cheddar that we brought to the condo that we had rented for the next three days.
Continuing on our journey, we next stopped in the beautiful town of Red Wing, again, on the shores of the great Mississippi River. Here we stopped at a pre-planned Butcher Shop to purchase a great New York Filet Steak & a couple of brats. These were planned for our two nightly dinners. Our rental condo provides us with a wonderful outdoor grill, a luxury we no longer have since moving out of our beautiful home into an equally beautiful condo, but, less the ability to have my own grill.
It still being too early arrive at out condo, we chose to cross the Mississippi at Red Wing and take the riverside roadway in Wisconsin to Stockholm, a wonderful old artisan town on the opposite side of this massive river from Minnesota’s Lake City, where we would be staying.
Although, Lake City was but an eyesight distance, it would take us another half hour to find a bridge that would bring us back to the Minnesota side of these waters.
In Stockholm, we visited the General Store and Pie Shop where we purchased slices of pie to each of our tastes.
Then, on to our destination where we found accommodations that went beyond our expectations. Our one bedroom suite was but a few feet from the incredible shores of the beautiful Lake Pepin, a large parcel of water that is really part of the Mississippi River itself. Soon we were out for a long walk along its shores, then back to have martinis on our patio overlooking the Lake, followed by a grilling of our tasty steak on the condos provided grill.
Because we were vacationing during the Covid pandemic, we had brought much of our own food with us. We had a full kitchen, so, the next morning, we had quiche that Ramona had made at home and we could easily heat up for our breakfast. Of course, we included Carmel rolls that I usually have when I first arise each morning at home.
We then enjoyed another long walk in the area, took in the local sites, and then returned to our rental, again enjoying our refreshments while gazing at the activities upon the Lake Pepin waters, and then grilling the brats we had purchased the previous day.
Next morning we packed up and headed back toward our home. On our way, we stopped at a recommended, and wonderful, Ma Pa Cafe in fond du Lac, a short distance from our rental and on our path towards home.
Since 1985, Ramona & I have traveled the world. What a great pleasure it was to experience a journey close to home. No exhaustion when arriving at out destination and none when getting home. So much beauty, so much to enjoy, so much to discover - so close to home.
What’s not to love?

April 2019 Breezy Point Resort

Our daughter, Ann, invited Ramona and I to share stay at Breezy Point in April of 2019. Here we spent a few days, exploring the area, enjoying good food, swimming in their indoor pool, and just hanging out and enjoying each others company.

March 2019 Two Harbors          

Near Two Harbors, just north of Duluth, there is a cabin, not on a lake or a river, but would have wooded surroundings that would invite deer, and birds to keep us company during our five day hidden stay. Four bedrooms nicely accommodated Ramona & I, as well as three other couples, two of whom, we travel frequently with.
Here, we celebrated my friends birthday as well as my own.
Journeys to the shores of Lake Superior, just a short ride through rutted & snowy gravel roadways away, would have us experiencing what Lake Superior is like when snow and ice still can be seen along its shoreline.
Sometimes, just a getaway is all it takes to rejuvenate.

1960's Boundary Waters, etc

In the later 1950’s and throughout the 1060’s, I would, from time to time, spend a few days hiking and canoeing, what is known as, the boundary waters of Northeastern Minnesota.
A friend and I would always begin our journey from Moose Lake near Ely MN.
One eventful trek started on Moose Lake which, after a few portages, brought us to a lake beautifully spotted with islands, known as “Lake Disappointment”. It’s beauty could not be more different from its name. Here we took over a small island with a huge rock embedded into the raised beach on one end of the island, perfect for high diving into the deep waters below. After a few days of exploring the area, we headed toward the shores of Snowbank Lake, a lake we knew had roads by its shores. Our plan was, that My friend would hitch hike back to our car at Moose Lake while I would stay with our canoes and gear.
Many many hours later, my friend arrived with our outfitter. His car had been stripped of anything that could be removed. Tires, battery and most everything under the hood, was removed.
We spent the next two days in Ely while his car was repaired.
All in all, we had a wonderful trip with many wonderful memories.

1970? Gunflint trail
A very memorable journey involved my, then, father in law, who, one day, “announced” to me that I would be taking him on a canoe trip. This man was a brilliant, introverted, artistic man who I had little in common with, and, with whom, I had never done anything of significance with before.
He, my then wife’s uncle, and I set off for a short trip near the Gunflint Trail, to “bond”. I was to be the backpacking & canoeing expert, while my father-in-law was determined to make a fisherman out of me. Although I had been on many backpacking journeys, my friends and I were never interested in fishing while on those trips. In fact, I had never caught a fish, anywhere, before.
We fished. I caught my first fish ever, a medium size walleye. My father-in-law caught the only other walleye, but it was large.
I was surprised at his ability to cook a wonderfully cracker crusted fish in an outdoor setting on an open fire. I ate my fish, they shared the other. What a beautiful meal.
The next morning, the uncle chose to canoe out far enough to get fresh water which, in those days, was safely drinkable. He had a leather jacket & boots on. As he leaned over to scoop water, the canoe tipped over and moved away from his reach. His leather attire holding him dow, he was screaming for help. I’ve had lifesaving training and was comfortable swimming out to get him.

Family Reunions
2004 Whitewater State Park
2007 Itaska State Park
2010 Itaska State Park
2013 Minneapolis
2014 Itaska State Park
2016 Timber Bay Resort
2018 Itaska State Park
2021 Woodside Ranch
2022 Wm. O'Brien State Park

Adventures with our grandchildren
2009 Duluth
2010 Lake Mille lacs
2011 Cascade Lodge

When the family was filled with young children, we often chose to camp in one of the many camp grounds that Minnesota has to offer. Most frequently we visited Whitewater State Park as it is a reasonable distance form the cities has a great and deserved reputation for its lack of Minnesota’s most notorious invader – the mosquito. Due to a nice population of frogs, larva is consumed before mosquitos can hatch.

Last Updated Aug 15, 2020